Senior Adults
The Senior Adult Ministry at FBC is an active fellowship of adults within our church and community. At the beginning of each year, we provide a brochure for our seniors that include the proposed activities such as day outings and overnight retreats, associational gatherings, and events held in our Family Life Center. These brochures are also available in the church office.
Our Senior Adult Ministry Team plans monthly activities for our seniors 55 years of age and older. Three of these monthly activities are usually held in our Family Life Center such as:
Soup & Sandwich Luncheon in January where the Calendar of Activities are shared (a brochure is provided for everyone)
Valentine Luncheon in February with special program
Christmas Dinner in December with musical program
The Community Gospel Choir is another way our senior adults can participate and fellowship together through music. This choir rehearses on the first and third Wednesdays of each month beginning September – June, and they present seasonal concerts throughout the year.

If you would like to find out more about our Senior Adult Ministry at FBC, please call the church office at 252-638-5691.